Lindsell Train Global Equity Fund D GBP Inc


Fund classes:
Lindsell Train Global Funds plc - Lindsell Train Global Equity Fund D GBP Inc
326.71p Price
Today's Change
Share Class Income
Ongoing Charge 0.52%
Annual Management Charge 0.45%

Fund management breakdown

Manager Company Lindsell Train
Fund Type Open Ended Investment Company
Benchmark Global Large-Cap Growth Equity
Domicile IRL
For Sale in United Kingdom, Ireland

Fund manager biographies

Name James Bullock
Since 30 April 2015
Bio James is Portfolio Manager for global equity accounts having joined Lindsell Train in October 2010. He has a Masters degree in Physics from the University of Oxford and a doctorate in Biomechanics from the University of Cambridge. He passed the Investment Management Certificate in 2012 and was promoted to Portfolio Manager in April 2015.
Name Michael Lindsell
Since 16 March 2011
Bio Michael Lindsell co-founded Lindsell Train Limited in 2000. He is the portfolio manager for Japanese equity portfolios and jointly manages Global portfolios.Before founding Lindsell Train he spent seven years at GT Management, first as CIO.Following the acquisition of GT by Invesco in 1998 he was appointed head of the combined global product team.His previous experience included working at Mercury Asset Management where he was director and head of Japanese fund management,at Scimitar Asset Management where he ran Pacific and Japanese mandates and at Lazard Brothers as an investment manager.
Name Nick Train
Since 16 March 2011
Bio Nick co-founded Lindsell Train Limited in 2000. He is the portfolio manager for UK equity portfolios and jointly manages Global portfolios. Nick has over 30 years’ experience in investment management. Before founding Lindsell Train he was head of Global Equities at M&G Investment Management, having joined there in 1998 as a director. Previously he spent 17 years (1981 – 1998) at GT Management which he left soon after its acquisition by Invesco. At his resignation he was a director of GT Management (London), Investment Director of GT Unit Managers and Chief Investment Officer for Pan-Europe. Nick has a BA honours degree in Modern History from Queen’s College, Oxford.

Fund objective

Objective The sub-fund’s aim is to achieve growth through both share price appreciation and income from the shares. Investment Policy The sub-fund invests directly in the shares of global companies primarily quoted on recognised exchanges in developed countries. Essential features of the Sub-Fund:  The sub-fund is actively managed, the investment manager having discretion in selecting investments in line with the subfund’s objective and investment policy.  The MSCI World Index (the “Benchmark”) has been selected as the sub-fund’s Benchmark for performance comparison purposes only. Whilst the sub-fund may invest in companies that are components of the Benchmark, the sub-fund does not track the Benchmark or use the Benchmark as a performance target, and the sub-fund may hold investments that are not constituents of the Benchmark. The Benchmark does not play a role in the construction of the sub-fund’s portfolio.  The sub-fund is a concentrated fund which means that it holds fewer shares than many other funds; typically between 20 and 35. In building the portfolio, the investment manager does not apply any limits in terms of stock and sector portfolio weightings, when compared to the Benchmark.  This class does not use currency hedging.  This class is a distributing class, meaning any income will be paid out to you twice a year. There is an option to reinvest the dividends back into the sub-fund.  You can buy and sell shares in the sub-fund on any week day on which commercial banks are open in Dublin and London.  This sub-fund may not be appropriate for investors who plan to withdraw their money within five years.  Please refer to the Prospectus for further information.