Newton Sustainable Real Return Fund Institutional Shares W Income


Fund classes:
BNY Mellon Investment Funds - Newton Sustainable Real Return Fund Institutional Shares W Income
107.72p Price
Today's Change
Share Class Income
Ongoing Charge 0.86%
Annual Management Charge 0.75%

OBJECTIVE To achieve a rate of return in sterling terms that is equal to or above the return from cash (SONIA (30-day compounded)) + 4% per annum over five years before fees. In doing so, it aims to achieve a positive return on a rolling three year basis (meaning a period of three years, no matter which day you start on). However, capital is in fact at risk and there is no guarantee that this will be achieved over that, or any, time period. POLICY The Fund will: – invest predominantly, meaning at least 75%, in a portfolio of UK and international securities; – invest in companies that meet the Investment Manager's sustainability criteria, where environmental, social and governance ("ESG") considerations are an integral part of the criteria. The Investment Manager's sustainability criteria exclude companies that participate in certain activities and involve other general and company level ESG-related analysis of a company's activities; – follow a broad 'multi-asset' portfolio approach (e.g. company shares (i.e. equities) and similar investments, bonds and similar debt investments and cash); – gain exposure to property or commodities through exchange listed securities and/or collective investment schemes; – invest in bonds, issued by governments and companies, with high and low credit ratings (i.e. investment grade and/or sub-investment grade bonds as rated by Standard and Poor's or similar agencies); – invest in derivatives (financial instruments whose value is derived from other assets) to help achieve the Fund's investment objective. The Fund will also use derivatives with the aim of risk or cost reduction or to generate additional capital or income; and – limit investment in other collective investment schemes to 10% (including but not limited to another Sub-Fund or Sub-Funds of the Company). The Fund may: – invest in emerging markets; – invest more than 35% of its assets in government and public securities issued or guaranteed by a single state, local authority or public international body; – allocate up to 8.5% of its assets to alternative risk premia strategies. Such strategies seek to gain exposure to risk premia (the return or reward an investor earns to bear risk) through instruments such as structured notes, derivative instruments and collective investment schemes; – invest in Contingent Convertible Securities (CoCo's); and – invest significantly in cash and cash-like investments. Benchmark: The Fund will measure its performance before fees against SONIA (30-day compounded) +4% per annum over five years as a target benchmark (the "Benchmark"). SONIA is a nearly risk-free rate meaning no bank credit risk is included, the rate can rise or fall as a result of central bank policy decisions or changing economic conditions. The Fund will use the Benchmark as a target for the Fund's performance to match or exceed because, in typical market conditions, it represents a target that will be equal to or greater than UK inflation rates over the same period and is commensurate with the Investment Manager's approach. The Fund is actively managed, which means the Investment Manager has discretion over the selection of investments, subject to the investment objective and policies as disclosed in the Prospectus. OTHER INFORMATION Treatment of income: income generated will be paid to shareholders semi-annually on or before 31 August and 28 February. Dealing: you can buy and sell your shares in the Fund between 9:00 and 17:00 (UK time) on each business day in England and Wales. Instructions received before 12:00 will receive the price quoted on that day. The minimum initial investment for this share class is GBP 500,000.

Price and Net Asset Value breakdown

Midprice 107.72p
Change on Day 0.55p
Change on Day % 0.51%
52 week high 1.09p
52 week low 1.01p
Fund currency GBX
Date updated 17 January 2025

Fund details

Fund Type Open Ended Investment Company
Unit Type Income
Standard initial Charge -
Annual Management Charge 0.75%
Dividend Frequency Annually
Latest Distribution Info 0.0129p
02 January 2025

Fund manager information

Fund Manager Company BNY Mellon

Fund manager biographies

Name Matthew Brown
Since 02 July 2018
Bio Matthew Brown develops and operates all portfolio management, risk management and trade execution software for MSR. He collaborates with Mr. Rulle on the development of the Quantitative Directional Trading Program, and builds all systems under the strict discipline of the firm’s philosophy regarding statistical testing and the scientific method. Mr. Brown has over 20 years of experience in the financial industry. He developed trading systems for fixed income arbitrage while working with Mr. Rulle at Graham Capital Management. Prior to Graham, Mr. Brown managed a fixed income arbitrage team at hedge fund Hamilton Partners, and answered to Mr. Rulle there as well. Prior to teaming up with Mr. Rulle for the first time, Mr. Brown was the Chief Trader at Banco Central Hispano, USA.
Name Phil Shucksmith
Since 24 April 2018
Bio Philip is a global portfolio manager with a focus on sustainable investment and responsibility for the Newton Sustainable Real Return strategy. Philip works as part of the Real Return team, collaborating closely with Newton’s analysts to find investment ideas that bring a differentiated return profile to the portfolio and benefit from a strong thematic tailwind. Philip works closely with the responsible investment team on engagement with the companies we are invested in and leverages those interactions to help steer sustainable investment idea generation for the portfolio. Philip joined the Real Return team in 2008, is a CFA1 charterholder, and is a co-lead manager of the Newton Sustainable Real Return strategy. Outside of work, Phillip enjoys racing mountain bikes.
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