Director dealings

Trade date Director Volume / Price Trade value Trade type
01/05/2024 Graham Cooke 16,996 @ 70.22p £11,934.59 Buy
12/03/2024 Sharmila Nebhrajani 11,238 @ 70.83p £7,959.88 Buy
25/05/2023 Anna Manz 302 @ 72.32p £218.41 Dividend Reinvestment
31/03/2023 Mary Harris 3,238 @ 83.53p £2,704.70 Buy
28/03/2023 Carolyn McCall 2,227,771 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
28/03/2023 Carolyn McCall 68,145 @ 80.83p £55,081.60 Sell
28/03/2023 Carolyn McCall 144,989 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
28/03/2023 Carolyn McCall 144,989 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
06/03/2023 Sharmila Nebhrajani 5,620 @ 88.40p £4,968.08 Buy
30/12/2022 Mary Harris 3,467 @ 75.22p £2,607.88 Buy
28/11/2022 Anna Manz 139 @ 77.63p £107.91 Dividend Reinvestment
28/11/2022 Mary Harris 1,838 @ 77.63p £1,426.84 Dividend Reinvestment
30/09/2022 Mary Harris 4,244 @ 56.28p £2,388.52 Buy
30/06/2022 Mary Harris 3,943 @ 65.56p £2,585.03 Buy
28/06/2022 Andrew Cosslett 301,889 @ 69.21p £208,937.38 Buy
26/05/2022 Anna Manz 282 @ 72.71p £205.04 Dividend Reinvestment
26/05/2022 Mary Harris 2,369 @ 72.71p £1,722.50 Dividend Reinvestment
31/03/2022 Mary Harris 4,029 @ 83.24p £3,353.74 Buy
31/03/2022 Mary Harris 4,029 @ 83.24p £3,353.74 Buy
28/03/2022 Carolyn McCall 145,635 @ 82.12p £119,595.46 Sell
28/03/2022 Carolyn McCall 309,860 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
10/03/2022 Anna Manz 12,226 @ 81.18p £9,925.07 Buy
08/03/2022 Chris Kennedy 124,515 @ 79.90p £99,487.49 Buy
08/03/2022 Carolyn McCall 124,441 @ 79.76p £99,254.14 Buy
08/03/2022 Peter Bazalgette 125,134 @ 79.51p £99,494.04 Buy
07/03/2022 Edward Carter 50,000 @ 75.03p £37,515.00 Buy
04/03/2022 Margaret Ewing 20,000 @ 74.02p £14,804.00 Buy
04/03/2022 Sharmila Nebhrajani 7,000 @ 77.00p £5,390.00 Buy
04/03/2022 Chris Kennedy 67,387 @ 73.81p £49,738.34 Buy
03/03/2022 Carolyn McCall 120,659 @ 82.26p £99,254.09 Buy
03/03/2022 Peter Bazalgette 110,059 @ 90.40p £99,493.34 Buy
31/12/2021 Mary Harris 3,011 @ 111.38p £3,353.65 Buy
20/12/2021 Carolyn McCall 445,502 @ 106.70p £475,350.63 Sell
20/12/2021 Carolyn McCall 947,876 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
30/09/2021 Mary Harris 2,844 @ 108.05p £3,072.94 Buy
02/09/2021 Chris Kennedy 80,708 @ 115.45p £93,177.39 Sell
02/09/2021 Chris Kennedy 171,719 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
04/08/2021 Sharmila Nebhrajani 1,500 @ 112.79p £1,691.85 Buy
30/06/2021 Mary Harris 2,423 @ 126.77p £3,071.64 Buy
20/05/2021 Sharmila Nebhrajani 1,500 @ 128.52p £1,927.80 Buy
07/05/2021 Kyla Mullins 260,726 @ 124.60p £324,864.60 Sell
12/04/2021 Duncan Painter 82,087 @ 120.61p £99,005.13 Buy
31/03/2021 Mary Harris 2,534 @ 121.22p £3,071.71 Buy
29/03/2021 Kyla Mullins 13,093 @ 122.85p £16,084.75 Sell
29/03/2021 Kyla Mullins 27,856 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
29/03/2021 Carolyn McCall 98,254 @ 122.85p £120,705.04 Sell
29/03/2021 Carolyn McCall 209,049 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
29/03/2021 Chris Kennedy 78,105 @ 122.85p £95,951.99 Sell
29/03/2021 Chris Kennedy 166,179 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
31/12/2020 Mary Harris 2,691 @ 107.16p £2,883.68 Buy
26/11/2020 Edward Carter 50,000 @ 93.02p £46,510.00 Buy
25/11/2020 Liu Yu Xing 100,000 @ 40.00p £40,000.00 Sell
25/11/2020 Liu Yu Xing 100,000 @ 35.00p £35,000.00 Sell
20/11/2020 Jeremy Brest 55,479 @ 31.00p £17,198.49 Placing
24/11/2020 Eleanor Barker 51,500 @ CAD 0.15 CAD 7,725.00 Buy
25/11/2020 Rodney Findley 500,000 @ 4.00p £20,000.00 Placing
25/11/2020 Jeremy Wilson 105,000 @ 956.40p £1,004,220.00 Sell
25/11/2020 Bernard Olivier 0 @ 0.00 0.00 Notification of Holding
30/09/2020 Mary Harris 4,155 @ 64.45p £2,677.90 Buy
30/06/2020 Mary Harris 3,622 @ 73.97p £2,679.19 Buy
20/04/2020 Margaret Ewing 15,000 @ 70.41p £10,561.50 Buy
30/03/2020 Kyla Mullins 194,166 @ 63.36p £123,023.58 Sell
30/03/2020 Kyla Mullins 413,118 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
31/03/2020 Mary Harris 5,256 @ 63.80p £3,353.33 Buy
31/12/2019 Mary Harris 2,222 @ 150.93p £3,353.66 Buy
19/12/2019 Kyla Mullins 24,333 @ 149.96p £36,489.77 Sell
19/12/2019 Kyla Mullins 24,333 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
19/12/2019 Chris Kennedy 25,518 @ 149.96p £38,266.79 Sell
19/12/2019 Chris Kennedy 54,293 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
02/12/2019 Mary Harris 719 @ 146.60p £1,054.05 Dividend Reinvestment
02/12/2019 Anna Manz 107 @ 146.60p £156.86 Dividend Reinvestment
18/10/2019 Salman Amin 8,079 @ 136.33p £11,014.10 Buy
30/09/2019 Mary Harris 2,672 @ 125.50p £3,353.36 Buy
18/09/2019 Salman Amin 12,800 @ 125.09p £16,011.52 Buy
28/06/2019 Mary Harris 3,113 @ 107.72p £3,353.32 Buy
24/05/2019 Anna Manz 290 @ 109.56p £317.72 Dividend Reinvestment
24/05/2019 Mary Harris 1,638 @ 109.56p £1,794.59 Dividend Reinvestment
14/05/2019 Chris Kennedy 87,831 @ 114.00p £100,127.34 Buy
15/05/2019 Carolyn McCall 44,589 @ 111.00p £49,493.79 Buy
14/05/2019 Peter Bazalgette 43,748 @ 114.00p £49,872.72 Buy
03/04/2019 Salman Amin 15,000 @ 133.00p £19,950.00 Buy
29/03/2019 Mary Harris 2,649 @ 126.60p £3,353.63 Buy
31/12/2018 Mary Harris 2,766 @ 125.38p £3,468.01 Buy
17/12/2018 Carolyn McCall 75,391 @ 130.00p £98,008.30 Sell
17/12/2018 Carolyn McCall 160,406 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
03/12/2018 Anna Manz 100 @ 147.03p £147.03 Buy
03/12/2018 Mary Harris 485 @ 147.03p £713.10 Buy
08/11/2018 Salman Amin 7,960 @ 150.75p £11,999.70 Buy
28/09/2018 Mary Harris 2,727 @ 157.19p £4,286.57 Buy
06/09/2018 Roger Faxon 8,050 @ 160.60p £12,928.30 Buy
29/06/2018 Mary Harris 2,214 @ 175.88p £3,893.98 Buy
29/06/2018 Roger Faxon 1,800 @ 174.00p £3,132.00 Buy
30/05/2018 Ian Griffiths 126,785 @ 162.50p £206,025.63 Sell
30/05/2018 Ian Griffiths 269,755 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
24/05/2018 Anna Manz 175 @ 165.82p £290.19 Dividend Reinvestment
24/05/2018 Mary Harris 685 @ 165.82p £1,135.87 Dividend Reinvestment
29/03/2018 Mary Harris 2,318 @ 144.65p £3,352.99 Buy
29/03/2018 Roger Faxon 2,175 @ 144.97p £3,153.10 Buy
27/03/2018 Ian Griffiths 52,728 @ 145.18p £76,550.51 Sell
27/03/2018 Ian Griffiths 112,186 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From

Director shareholdings

Name Holding Percent
Carolyn McCall 3,745,666 0.00%
Andrew Cosslett 301,889 0.00%
Chris Kennedy 235,166 0.00%
Edward Carter 100,000 0.00%
Margaret Ewing 57,700 0.00%
Salman Amin 50,674 0.00%
Sharmila Nebhrajani 26,858 0.00%
Graham Cooke 0 0.00%

Major shareholders

Institution name Holding Percent
Liberty Global Incorporated Limited 398,515,510 9.90%
FMR LLC 263,865,203 6.55%
RWC Asset Management LLP 228,339,000 5.67%
Schroders plc 210,615,274 5.23%
Artemis Investment Management LLP 206,764,435 5.14%
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and its group 206,179,898 5.12%
Silchester International Investors Limited 202,667,604 5.00%
BlackRock Inc 200,366,949 0.00%
The Capital Group Companies, Inc. 197,671,036 4.91%
AXA S.A.and its group of companies 196,862,678 4.93%
Majedie Asset Management Limited 195,687,610 5.01%
Brandes Investment Partners 194,304,930 4.99%
ITV Employees' Benefit Trust 1,253,801 0.00%