The Mission Group

Sector: Media
-0.22p -0.97
Last updated: 14:34:33

Director dealings

Trade date Director Volume / Price Trade value Trade type
16/06/2023 Mark Lund 50,000 @ 50.00p £25,000.00 Buy
14/07/2022 James Clifton 26,585 @ 56.42p £14,999.26 Buy
19/04/2022 James Clifton 23,739 @ 65.40p £15,525.31 Buy
06/01/2022 Giles Lee 313 @ 63.36p £198.32 Buy
22/09/2021 Robert Andrew Day 2,798,541 @ 73.00p £2,042,934.93 Sell
10/06/2021 Robert Andrew Day 1,373,750 @ 80.00p £1,099,000.00 Sell
10/06/2021 David William Morgan 1,626,250 @ 80.00p £1,301,000.00 Sell
07/05/2021 John Pettigrew 16 @ 931.44p £149.03 Buy
23/04/2021 Dylan Bogg 30,000 @ 84.27p £25,281.00 Sell
23/04/2021 Dylan Bogg 30,000 @ 83.50p £25,050.00 Sell
16/04/2021 James Clifton 16,378 @ 80.90p £13,249.80 Buy
16/04/2021 James Clifton 8,147 @ 86.00p £7,006.42 Sell
16/04/2021 Giles Lee 11,280 @ 86.00p £9,700.80 Sell
16/04/2021 Fiona Elizabeth Ann Shepherd 6,267 @ 86.00p £5,389.62 Sell
19/04/2021 Susan Mullen 1,553 @ 86.00p £1,335.58 Sell
16/04/2021 Dylan Bogg 8,147 @ 86.00p £7,006.42 Sell
16/04/2021 Robert Andrew Day 15,555 @ 86.00p £13,377.30 Sell
16/04/2021 David William Morgan 8,333 @ 86.00p £7,166.38 Sell
16/04/2021 James Clifton 17,333 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
16/04/2021 Peter Fitzwilliam 8,333 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
16/04/2021 Giles Lee 24,000 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
16/04/2021 Fiona Elizabeth Ann Shepherd 13,333 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
16/04/2021 Susan Mullen 3,333 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
16/04/2021 Dylan Bogg 17,333 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
16/04/2021 Robert Andrew Day 15,555 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
16/04/2021 David William Morgan 8,333 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
10/03/2021 David William Morgan 190 @ 84.00p £159.60 Dividend Reinvestment
10/03/2021 Giles Lee 398 @ 84.00p £334.32 Dividend Reinvestment
10/03/2021 Peter Fitzwilliam 399 @ 84.00p £335.16 Dividend Reinvestment
22/02/2021 Fiona Elizabeth Ann Shepherd 286,008 @ 75.00p £214,506.00 Sell
22/02/2021 Susan Mullen 143,004 @ 75.00p £107,253.00 Sell
22/02/2021 David William Morgan 286,008 @ 75.00p £214,506.00 Sell
22/02/2021 Giles Lee 286,000 @ 75.00p £214,500.00 Sell
22/02/2021 Julian Hanson-Smith 85,802 @ 75.00p £64,351.50 Sell
22/02/2021 Peter Fitzwilliam 286,008 @ 75.00p £214,506.00 Sell
22/02/2021 Robert Andrew Day 286,008 @ 75.00p £214,506.00 Sell
22/02/2021 James Clifton 286,008 @ 75.00p £214,506.00 Sell
22/02/2021 Dylan Bogg 100,000 @ 75.00p £75,000.00 Sell
05/02/2021 Robert Andrew Day 1,876,000 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer To
02/02/2021 Robert Andrew Day 1,000,000 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer To
07/05/2020 Barry Cook 57,522 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
07/05/2020 Peter Fitzwilliam 34,450 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
07/05/2020 James Clifton 20,998 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
06/04/2020 Fiona Elizabeth Ann Shepherd 572,017 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
06/04/2020 Susan Mullen 286,009 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
06/04/2020 David William Morgan 572,017 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
06/04/2020 Giles Lee 572,017 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
06/04/2020 Julian Hanson-Smith 171,605 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
06/04/2020 Peter Fitzwilliam 572,017 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
06/04/2020 Robert Andrew Day 572,017 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
06/04/2020 James Clifton 572,017 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
06/04/2020 Dylan Bogg 286,009 @ 0.00 0.00 Exercise of Option
06/12/2019 David William Morgan 114 @ 69.58p £79.32 Buy
06/12/2019 Giles Lee 240 @ 69.58p £166.99 Buy
06/12/2019 Peter Fitzwilliam 241 @ 69.58p £167.69 Buy
30/07/2019 David William Morgan 154 @ 92.40p £142.30 Buy
30/07/2019 Giles Lee 322 @ 92.40p £297.53 Buy
30/07/2019 Peter Fitzwilliam 323 @ 92.40p £298.45 Buy
10/06/2019 Giles Lee 2,392 @ 82.75p £1,979.38 Buy
10/06/2019 Peter Fitzwilliam 2,392 @ 82.75p £1,979.38 Buy
20/05/2019 James Clifton 8,225 @ 77.00p £6,333.25 Sell
20/05/2019 James Clifton 17,500 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
20/05/2019 Peter Fitzwilliam 5,875 @ 77.00p £4,523.75 Sell
20/05/2019 Peter Fitzwilliam 12,500 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
20/05/2019 Giles Lee 25,000 @ 77.00p £19,250.00 Sell
20/05/2019 Giles Lee 25,000 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
20/05/2019 Fiona Elizabeth Ann Shepherd 11,750 @ 77.00p £9,047.50 Sell
20/05/2019 Fiona Elizabeth Ann Shepherd 25,000 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
20/05/2019 Susan Mullen 4,538 @ 77.00p £3,494.26 Sell
20/05/2019 Susan Mullen 10,000 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
20/05/2019 Dylan Bogg 17,500 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
20/05/2019 Robert Andrew Day 25,000 @ 77.00p £19,250.00 Sell
20/05/2019 Robert Andrew Day 25,000 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
20/05/2019 David William Morgan 4,500 @ 77.00p £3,465.00 Sell
20/05/2019 David William Morgan 10,000 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
23/04/2019 James Clifton 4,073 @ 74.50p £3,034.39 Sell
23/04/2019 James Clifton 8,667 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
23/04/2019 Peter Fitzwilliam 4,167 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
23/04/2019 Giles Lee 5,640 @ 74.50p £4,201.80 Sell
23/04/2019 Giles Lee 12,000 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
23/04/2019 Fiona Elizabeth Ann Shepherd 3,133 @ 74.50p £2,334.09 Sell
23/04/2019 Fiona Elizabeth Ann Shepherd 6,667 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
23/04/2019 Susan Mullen 1,667 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
23/04/2019 Dylan Bogg 8,667 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
23/04/2019 Robert Andrew Day 7,778 @ 74.50p £5,794.61 Sell
23/04/2019 Robert Andrew Day 7,778 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
23/04/2019 David William Morgan 1,875 @ 74.50p £1,396.88 Sell
23/04/2019 David William Morgan 4,167 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
23/04/2019 James Clifton 20,542 @ 64.50p £13,249.59 Buy
04/12/2018 David William Morgan 109 @ 64.66p £70.48 Buy
04/12/2018 Giles Lee 203 @ 64.66p £131.26 Buy
04/12/2018 Peter Fitzwilliam 204 @ 64.66p £131.91 Buy
14/11/2018 Andrew Nash 50,000 @ 56.50p £28,250.00 Buy
14/11/2018 Fiona Elizabeth Ann Shepherd 270,000 @ 56.50p £152,550.00 Sell
24/07/2018 David William Morgan 211 @ 53.70p £113.31 Dividend Reinvestment
24/07/2018 Giles Lee 392 @ 53.70p £210.50 Dividend Reinvestment
24/07/2018 Peter Fitzwilliam 393 @ 53.70p £211.04 Dividend Reinvestment
04/05/2018 Chris Morris 74,750 @ 47.30p £35,356.75 Buy
04/05/2018 Chris Morris 74,750 @ 47.25p £35,319.38 Sell
08/05/2018 Peter Fitzwilliam 3,618 @ 49.75p £1,799.96 Buy

Director shareholdings

Name Holding Percent
Dylan Bogg 1,648,185 1.00%
Fiona Elizabeth Ann Shepherd 1,595,940 1.00%
Susan Mullen 1,235,968 1.00%
James Clifton 1,214,958 1.00%
Giles Lee 1,056,909 1.00%
Julian Hanson-Smith 85,803 0.00%
Mark Lund 50,000 0.00%

Major shareholders

Institution name Holding Percent
Dowgate Group Limited 7,571,786 8.21%
Octopus Investments Nominees Limited 5,287,327 5.81%
Objectif Investissement Microcaps FCP 5,230,477 4.60%
BGF Investment Management Limited 4,713,501 5.20%
Close Asset Management Limited 4,631,647 5.09%
Herald Investment Management Limited 4,500,000 5.38%
Polar Capital European Forager Fund Limited 4,495,000 5.32%
Lazard Frères Gestion S.A.S. 4,230,477 5.49%
Polar Capital LLP 3,655,000 4.28%