Admiral Group

Sector: Non-life Insurance
26.00p 0.94
Last updated: 17:15:00

Company News Headlines

Date Time Headline Source
17/06/2024 14:16 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
11/06/2024 10:44 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
10/06/2024 17:14 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
29/05/2024 11:33 Audit Committee Chair Confirmation Globe Newswire
20/05/2024 16:35 Remuneration Committee Chair Confirmation Globe Newswire
26/04/2024 11:33 Board Committee Changes Globe Newswire
25/04/2024 15:53 Result of AGM Globe Newswire
22/03/2024 12:14 Notice of AGM and Annual Report and Accounts Globe Newswire
13/03/2024 12:44 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
12/03/2024 12:40 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
07/03/2024 16:30 Block listing Interim Review Globe Newswire
07/03/2024 14:00 Directorate change Globe Newswire
07/03/2024 07:00 Annual Financial Report Globe Newswire
06/03/2024 11:10 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
28/02/2024 16:14 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
22/02/2024 14:23 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
20/02/2024 17:01 Electronic Communications Letter Globe Newswire
26/01/2024 15:03 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
05/01/2024 15:24 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
03/01/2024 14:49 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
28/12/2023 17:08 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
22/12/2023 10:23 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
08/12/2023 07:30 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
06/12/2023 10:18 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
01/12/2023 15:42 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
27/11/2023 14:54 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
24/10/2023 18:57 Directorate change Globe Newswire
13/10/2023 14:46 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
10/10/2023 12:33 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
10/10/2023 12:30 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
02/10/2023 10:00 Directorate change Globe Newswire
29/09/2023 15:01 Total voting rights Globe Newswire
28/09/2023 12:41 Additional Listing Globe Newswire
25/09/2023 17:39 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
05/09/2023 16:17 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
05/09/2023 16:14 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
04/09/2023 14:35 Block listing Interim Review Globe Newswire
31/08/2023 08:00 Total voting rights Globe Newswire
23/08/2023 16:21 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
22/08/2023 09:00 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
21/08/2023 15:38 Additional Listing Globe Newswire
16/08/2023 15:49 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
16/08/2023 07:00 Half-year report Globe Newswire
05/07/2023 12:51 Result of Tender Offer Globe Newswire
04/07/2023 13:12 Publication of Prospectus Globe Newswire
27/06/2023 09:23 Tender Offer Globe Newswire
16/06/2023 11:53 Directorate change Globe Newswire
15/06/2023 16:05 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire
14/06/2023 10:22 Holding(s) in Company Globe Newswire
06/06/2023 15:20 Director/PDMR Shareholding Globe Newswire