
Sector: Precious Metals and Mining
12.00p 5.77
Last updated: 16:55:00

Company News Headlines

Date Time Headline Source
15/07/2024 07:00 6 months production update Business Wire
03/07/2024 07:00 Strategy/Company/Operations Update Business Wire
01/07/2024 07:00 AIX Bond Programme Business Wire
24/06/2024 12:18 AGM Statement Business Wire
24/10/2023 07:00 3rd Quarter Results Business Wire
29/09/2023 07:00 Half-year Report Business Wire
23/06/2023 12:14 AGM Statement Business Wire
19/06/2023 07:00 1st Quarter Results Business Wire
09/05/2023 08:12 Statement re. Suspension Business Wire
09/05/2023 07:30 Restoration - ALTYNGOLD PLC RNS
05/05/2023 13:19 Annual Financial Report Business Wire
02/05/2023 07:30 Suspension - ALTYNGOLD PLC RNS
28/04/2023 07:00 Statement re. Suspension Business Wire
04/04/2023 15:42 Issue of Bonds on AIX Business Wire
15/03/2023 07:00 Fourth quarter revenue and production update Business Wire
19/01/2023 14:32 Appointment of auditors Business Wire
13/12/2022 10:56 Repayment of US$10m bonds Business Wire
05/12/2022 07:00 Financing update Business Wire
10/11/2022 07:00 3rd Quarter Results Business Wire
26/09/2022 07:00 Half-year Report Business Wire
01/08/2022 07:00 2nd Quarter Results Business Wire
25/07/2022 16:41 Second Price Monitoring Extn RNS
25/07/2022 16:35 Price Monitoring Extension RNS
25/07/2022 07:00 Funding updtate Business Wire
04/07/2022 12:28 AGM Statement Business Wire
27/06/2022 07:00 Final Results Business Wire
16/05/2022 07:00 1st Quarter Results Business Wire
31/01/2022 07:00 4th Quarter results Business Wire
24/01/2022 10:21 Directorate change Business Wire
10/01/2022 13:58 Statement regarding situation in Kazakhstan Business Wire
24/12/2021 12:41 Second Price Monitoring Extn RNS
24/12/2021 12:36 Price Monitoring Extension RNS
12/10/2021 07:00 3rd Quarter Results Business Wire
15/09/2021 11:05 Corporate presentation invite Business Wire
06/09/2021 07:00 Half-year Report Business Wire
12/08/2021 07:00 International Credit Rating for AltynGold Business Wire
19/07/2021 07:00 2nd quarter results Business Wire
30/06/2021 16:40 Second Price Monitoring Extn RNS
30/06/2021 16:35 Price Monitoring Extension RNS
25/06/2021 17:53 AGM Statement Business Wire
15/06/2021 17:11 Notice of AGM Business Wire
17/05/2021 07:00 Initiation Research by Renaissance Capital Business Wire
11/05/2021 07:00 1st Quarter Results Business Wire
30/04/2021 18:21 Final Results Business Wire
15/03/2021 07:00 Renaissance Capital appointment Business Wire
10/03/2021 07:00 Underground mine development update Business Wire
01/03/2021 07:00 First processing results from Terensai exploration area Business Wire
01/02/2021 07:00 AltynGold Plc Quarter Four 2020 production update Business Wire
10/08/2020 16:41 Second Price Monitoring Extn RNS
10/08/2020 16:36 Price Monitoring Extension RNS