Mothercare plc Annual General Meeting 9 September 2021: Results

At the annual general meeting held at 11.00am on 9 September 2021, the resolutions before the meeting were passed.

The following proxy votes had been received by the Company in respect of the resolutions:


  Resolution Votes For % Votes Against %  

Votes total
% ISC Votes withheld*
1 To receive the annual accounts, directors’ report, strategic report, directors’ remuneration report and auditor’s report 203,869,412 99.95 93,551 0.05 203,962,963 36.17 56,943,094
2 To approve the directors’ remuneration report 260,708,127 99.93 187,854 0.07 260,895,981 46.27 10,076
3 To re-elect Clive Whiley as a director 260,759,725 99.95 138,544 0.05 260,898,269 46.27 7,788
4 To re-elect Andrew Cook as a director 260,763,811 99.95 136,820 0.05 260,900,631 46.27 5,426
5 To re-elect Gillian Kent as a director 260,770,556 99.95 133,261 0.05 260,903,817 46.27 2,240
6 To re-elect Mark Newton-Jones as a director 260,750,617 99.94 151,700 0.06 260,902,317 46.27 3,740
7 To elect Brian Small as a director 260,759,837 99.95 142,360 0.05 260,902,197 46.27 3,860
8 Re-appoint auditors 260,834,415 99.97 66,964 0.03 260,901,379 46.27 4,678
9 Auditors remuneration 260,858,104 99.98 43,787 0.02 260,901,891 46.27 4,166
10 Authority for the directors to allot shares 260,568,545 99.87 333,071 0.13 260,901,616 46.27 4,441
11 To authorise political donations by the company and its subsidiaries 260,228,321 99.75 657,789 0.25 260,886,110 46.27 19,947
12 Authority to disapply pre-emption rights 260,733,467 99.93 170,579 0.07 260,904,046 46.27 2,011
13 Authority to further disapply pre-emption rights 260,757,057 99.94 147,487 0.06 260,904,544 46.27 1,513
14 Authority to purchase own shares 260,782,090 99.96 96,961 0.04 260,879,051 46.27 27,006

Resolutions 12 to 14 were Special Resolutions.


* A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of votes ‘for’ and ‘against’ each resolution

As at 8 September 2021, the Company’s issued share capital and total voting rights consisted of 563,836,626 ordinary shares each carrying voting rights. There are no shares in treasury. As a result, proxy votes representing approximately 46% of the voting capital were cast for the AGM.

The full text of the resolutions can be found in the Notice of Meeting on the Company’s website,


Trading Update

Whilst we still anticipate that the steady state operation of our existing retail franchise operations, in more normal circumstances, should exceed annual operating profits of £15 million, the Group has continued to be impacted by Covid-19 during this financial year. For the first 21 weeks of our current financial year to March 2022 our total retail sales were £136 million, generating an adjusted EBITDA of approximately £4.0 million representing a significant improvement over the adjusted EBITDA of £2.2 million reported for the year ended 27 March 2021.


Further details:    

Investor and analyst enquiries to:

Mothercare plc                                Email:

Clive Whiley, Chairman

Andrew Cook, Chief Financial Officer


Numis Securities Limited                 Tel: 020 7260 1000

(Nominated Advisor & Joint Corporate Broker)         

Luke Bordewich

Henry Slater


finnCap (Joint Corporate Broker)        Tel: 020 7220 0500

Christopher Raggett


Media enquiries to:

MHP Communications                       Email:

Simon Hockridge                        Tel: 07709 496125

Alistair de Kare-Silver


The trading information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information and upon publication this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

The person responsible for the release of this announcement is Lynne Medini, Group Company Secretary.