RNS Number : 9844B
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
17 February 2022





No. 3489




Media Inquiries


Takeyoshi Komatsu


Public Relations Division


Mitsubishi Electric Corporation


Tel: +81-3-3218-2346






Mitsubishi Electric Announces New Management Structure Effective April 1 and

Changes in Representative Executive Officers, Executive Officers and

Executive Officers(Associate)


TOKYO, February 17, 2022 - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) announces that a new management structure will be adopted and the executive officer structure and division of duties will be changed effective April 1 2022, pursuant to a resolution passed during a regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on February 17, 2022. The Company also announces Executive Officers (Associate) to be newly appointed on the same date.


1. Management Structure

In order to accelerate the Company's corporate strategy to provide Integrated Solutions to address social challenges in the four fields of Life, Industry, Infrastructure and Mobility, uniting all the capabilities inside and outside of the Group, as well as to develop and drive business strategies with company-wide and medium- to long-term perspectives by maintaining a bird's-eye view on a wide range of business domains, from FY2022, the Company will assign new Business Area (BA) Owner responsibilities to Executive Officers, who will oversee multiple interconnected business groups with a social challenge as the focal point.

BA Owners will, from a company-wide perspective, facilitate the acceleration of M&As and business restructuring in business groups within their purview. Moreover, they will drive the creation of new businesses, enhancement of technological and business fields, and strategic shifting of resources with a bird's-eye view of their respective BA. Furthermore, the Company will drive dynamic and speedy management reforms that break free from the conventional business group structure, such as BA Owners jointly creating synergies across the boundaries of BAs with a company-wide perspective.


In corporate divisions, the Company will expand the chief officer structure to clarify their roles by primary function. Swiftly grasping various changes in the environment surrounding the business, such as digital transformation (DX), carbon neutrality and geopolitical risks, they will seek to develop company-wide strategies, such as sustainability strategies, to be implemented across the boundaries of BAs to create both social and economic values, and to enhance their functions to support each BA.


The relationship between business areas and business groups in FY2022 will be as follows and the attached:


[Infrastructure BA]

Infrastructure BA will help building more resilient and safe social infrastructure systems by proposing a wide range of solutions that leverage digital engineering technologies the Company has accumulated.


[Industry and Mobility BA]

Industry and Mobility BA will help creating a smart industrial society and mobility society amid a rapidly changing business environment with the advent of industry 4.0 and CASE, by reciprocally leveraging and developing the technologies accumulated by the two business groups under its umbrella, such as drive control technology and sensor technology.


[Life BA]

Life BA will help creating an enriched sustainable living by offering comfortable and convenient spaces for a wide range of communities from personal to public, unconstrained by individual business domains such as elevators and HVAC systems.


[Business Platform BA]

Business Platform BA will offer highly efficient and reliable semiconductor devices as well as secure and highly scalable information systems throughout society to help solve diversifying social challenges while supporting the development of the three abovementioned BAs.




2. Changes of Executive Officers (effective April 1, 2022)


Assignments and positions

(as of April 1, 2022)

Assignments and positions

(as of February 17, 2022)

Kei Uruma

Representative Executive Officer,

President & CEO

Representative Executive Officer,

President & CEO

Tadashi Matsumoto

Representative Executive Officer,

Senior Vice President,

Life Business Area(*) Owner

(Group President, Building Systems,

Representative Director and President, Mitsubishi Electric Building Solutions Corporation),

In charge of Export Control

Representative Executive Officer,

Senior Vice President,

Group President, Building Systems,

In charge of Export Control

Yoshihisa Hara

Executive Officer,

Group President, Electronic Systems

Executive Officer,

Group President, Electronic Systems

Atsuhiro Yabu

Executive Officer,

Group President, Automotive Equipment

Executive Officer,

Group President, Automotive Equipment

Satoshi Kusakabe

Executive Officer,

CRO (In charge of Legal Affairs & Compliance, Risk Management, Economic Security and Export Control)

Executive Officer,

CRO (In charge of Risk Management, Economic Security and Export Control),

In charge of Government & External Relations and Intellectual Property

Yoji Saito

Executive Officer,

CMPO (In charge of Purchasing),

CCO (Vice President, Corporate Communication,

In charge of Government & External Relations)

Executive Officer,

Vice President, Corporate Global Strategic Planning & Marketing

Noriyuki Takazawa

Executive Officer,

Infrastructure Business Area(*) Owner

(Group President, Energy & Industrial Systems)

Executive Officer,

Group President, Energy & Industrial Systems

So Suzuki

Executive Officer,

Group President, Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment

Executive Officer,

Group President, Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment

Eiichiro Mitani

Executive Officer,

Business Platform Business Area(*) Owner (Group President, Information Systems & Network Service),

CIO (In charge of Information Security and IT,

Vice President, Corporate Process & Operation Reengineering)

Executive Officer,

CIO (In charge of IT),

Chief Operation DX Officer (Vice President, Corporate Process & Operation Reengineering)

Shozui Takeno

Executive Officer,

Vice President, Corporate Total Productivity Management & Environmental Programs

Executive Officer,

CISO (In charge of Information Security),

Vice President, Corporate Total Productivity Management & Environmental Programs,

CQO (Vice President, Corporate Quality Assurance Reengineering)

Kunihiko Kaga

Executive Officer,

In charge of Auditing,

CSO (In charge of Corporate Strategic Planning and Operations of Associated Companies),

CTO (In charge of Technology Strategies(*))

Executive Officer,

CSO (In charge of Corporate Strategic Planning and Operations of Associated Companies)

Katsuya Furuta

Executive Officer,

CMO (In charge of Global Marketing(*),

Vice President, Corporate Marketing)

Executive Officer,

Vice President, Corporate Marketing

Kuniaki Masuda

Executive Officer,

CFO (In charge of Accounting and Finance),

CHRO (In charge of General Affairs and Human Resources)

Executive Officer,

In charge of General Affairs and Human Resources

Tomonori Sato

Executive Officer,

In charge of Intellectual Property,

Vice President, Corporate Research and Development

Executive Officer,

CTO (Vice President, Corporate Research and Development)

Yoshikazu Nakai

Executive Officer,

CPO (In charge of Manufacturing(*)),

CQO (Vice President, Corporate Quality Assurance Reengineering)


Satoshi Takeda

Executive Officer,

Industry and Mobility Business Area(*) Owner (Group President, Factory Automation Systems)

Senior General Manager, Planning & Administration Dept. of Factory Automation Systems Group

Hiroshi Sakakibara

Executive Officer,

CDO (Vice President, Corporate Business Innovation)


*Details of areas of responsibility

  Technology Strategies:                            Intellectual Property, Corporate Research and Development

  Global Marketing:                                   Overseas and Domestic Marketing

  Manufacturing:                                       Corporate Quality Assurance Reengineering, Total Productivity Management &

Environmental Programs

  Infrastructure Business Area:                 Public Utility Systems, Energy & Industrial Systems, Electronic Systems

  Industry and Mobility Business Area:    Factory Automation Systems, Automotive Equipment

  Life Business Area:                                Building Systems, Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment

  Business Platform Business Area:          Information Systems & Network Service, Semiconductor & Device


*Details of Chief Officer

  CEO:                 Chief Executive Officer

  CRO:                 Chief Risk Management Officer

  CMPO:             Chief Material Procurement Officer

  CCO:                 Chief Communication Officer

  CIO:                  Chief Information Officer

  CISO:                Chief Information Security Officer

  CQO:                Chief Quality Officer

  CSO:                 Chief Strategy Officer

  CTO:                 Chief Technology Officer

  CMO:                Chief Marketing Officer

  CFO:                 Chief Financial Officer

  CHRO:              Chief Human Resources Officer

  CPO:                 Chief Productivity Officer

  CDO:                Chief Digital Officer


3. Retiring Executive Officers (effective March 31, 2022)

Representative Executive Officer,

Senior Vice President

Jun Nagasawa

Senior Vice President

Satoshi Matsushita

Senior Vice President

Yoshikazu Miyata

Senior Vice President

Koichi Orito

Executive Officer

Tadashi Kawagoishi

Executive Officer

Juichi Shikata

Executive Officer

Hideki Fukushima

Executive Officer

Yuzuru Saito


4. Career Summary of Newly Appointed Executive Officers (as of February 17, 2022)

Yoshikazu Nakai

(Date of Birth: September 5, 1961) 60 years old


March 1984

Graduated from Dept. of Electronic Engineering, the University of Electro-Communications

April 1984

Joined Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

April 2014

Vice President,

Total Customer Satisfaction Function,

Planning and Administration Department

April 2016

Corporate Vice President,

Total Customer Satisfaction Function,

Production/Field Quality, Quality Audit

December 2018

Executive Vice President, Nori Corporation

November 2020

General Manager, Global Quality Control Department of Automotive Motor & Electronic Control Business Group, NIDEC CORPORATION



Satoshi Takeda

(Date of Birth: March 10, 1967) 54 years old

March 1989

Graduated from Faculty of Economics, Keio University

April 1989

Joined the Company

January 2018

Deputy Senior General Manager, Nagoya Works

April 2020

Senior General Manager, Overseas Marketing Div. of Factory Automation Systems Group

April 2021

Senior General Manager, Planning & Administration Dept. of Factory Automation Systems Group



Hiroshi Sakakibara

(Date of Birth: January 1, 1971) 51 years old

June 1994

Graduated from Faculty of Law, the University of Tokyo

July 1994

Joined the Boston Consulting Group

November 1996

Joined Apple Japan, Inc.

August 2004

Joined Microsoft Corporation (United States)

September 2012

Transferred to Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.

August 2015

Joined Benesse Holdings, Inc.

January 2018

Chief Digital Officer (CDO)

December 2018

Managing Officer, Connected Solutions Company, Chief Digital Officer (CDO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), Panasonic Corporation

February 2022

Joined the Company



5. Executive Officers(Associate) (effective April 1, 2022)

Based on the company-wide management policy, the Company will newly appoint Executive Officers (Associate) who will make decisions on overall management and execute business in relation to groups / business groups / corporate divisions within their purview. The appointments are as follows:


Assignments and positions

(as of April 1, 2022)


(as of February 17, 2022)

Noriyuki Shimizu

Executive Officer,

Group President, Global Strategic Planning & Marketing

Group Senior Vice President, Factory Automation Systems,

Senior General Manager, Industrial Automation Marketing Div. of Factory Automation Systems Group

Yasumichi Tazunoki

Executive Officer,

Senior General Manager, Corporate Strategic Planning Div.

Deputy Senior General Manager, Corporate Strategic Planning Div.

Shigeki Kawaji

Executive Officer,

Senior General Manager, Corporate Purchasing Div.

Senior General Manager, Overseas Marketing Div. of Public Utility Systems Group

Kenichiro Fujimoto

Executive Officer,

Overseeing Accounting and Finance,

Senior General Manager, Corporate Accounting Div.

Senior General Manager, Planning & Administration Dept. of Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment Group

Masayoshi Takemi

Executive Officer,

Group President, Semiconductor & Device

Senior General Manager, High Frequency & Optical Device Works

Hideto Negoro

Executive Officer,

Group President, Public Utility Systems

Senior General Manager, Public-Use Systems Marketing Div. of Public Utility Systems Group

Yasunari Abe

Executive Officer,

Senior General Manager, Corporate Human Resources Div.

Senior General Manager, Public Relations Div. of Corporate Communication Group


6. Career Summary of Executive Officers(Associate) (as of February 17, 2022)

Noriyuki Shimizu

(Date of Birth: July 8, 1962)

59 years old

March 1986

Graduated from Faculty of Economics, Seikei University

April 1986

Joined the Company

April 2015

Senior General Manager, Overseas Marketing Div. of Factory Automation Systems Group

April 2020

Senior General Manager, Industrial Automation Marketing Div. of Factory Automation Systems Group

April 2021

Group Senior Vice President, Factory Automation Systems,

Senior General Manager, Industrial Automation Marketing Div. of Factory Automation Systems Group



Yasumichi Tazunoki

(Date of Birth: September 9, 1963) 58 years old

March 1987

Graduated from Faculty of Letters, the University of Tokyo

April 1987

Joined the Company

April 2015

Senior General Manager, Planning & Administration Dept. of Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment Group

April 2020

Senior General Manager, Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Systems Div. of Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment Group

April 2021

Deputy Senior General Manager, Corporate Strategic Planning Div.



Shigeki Kawaji

(Date of Birth: September 19, 1962) 59 years old

March 1985

Graduated from School of Education, Waseda University

April 1985

Joined the Company

April 2019

Senior General Manager, Overseas Marketing Div. of Public Utility Systems Group



Kenichiro Fujimoto

(Date of Birth: September 4, 1964) 57 years old

March 1988

Graduated from Faculty of Law, Kyoto University

April 1988

Joined the Company

April 2016

Deputy Senior General Manager, Associated Companies Div.

April 2018

Senior General Manager, Planning & Administration Div. of Public Utility Systems Group

April 2020

Senior General Manager, Planning & Administration Dept. of Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment Group



Masayoshi Takemi

(Date of Birth: October 4, 1965) 56 years old

March 1991

Completed Master's course in Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

April 1991

Joined the Company

April 2016

Deputy Senior General Manager, Planning & Administration Div. of Semiconductor & Device Group

April 2018

Deputy Senior General Manager, High Frequency & Optical Device Works

April 2019

Senior General Manager, High Frequency & Optical Device Works



Hideto Negoro

(Date of Birth: September 30, 1966) 55 years old

March 1991

Completed Master's course in Information Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Shinshu University

April 1991

Joined the Company

April 2018

Senior General Manager, Itami Works

April 2021

Senior General Manager, Public-Use Systems Marketing Div. of Public Utility Systems Group



Yasunari Abe

(Date of Birth: November 12, 1966) 55 years old

March 1989

Graduated from Faculty of Education, Tohoku University

April 1989

Joined the Company

April 2018

Deputy Senior General Manager, Corporate Human Resources Div.

April 2020

Senior General Manager, Public Relations Div. of Corporate Communication Group







About Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

With 100 years of experience in providing reliable, high-quality products, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) is a recognized world leader in the manufacture, marketing and sales of electrical and electronic equipment used in information processing and communications, space development and satellite communications, consumer electronics, industrial technology, energy, transportation and building equipment. Mitsubishi Electric enriches society with technology in the spirit of its "Changes for the Better." The company recorded a revenue of 4,191.4 billion yen (U.S.$ 37.8 billion*) in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. For more information, please visit www.MitsubishiElectric.com

*U.S. dollar amounts are translated from yen at the rate of ¥111=U.S.$1, the approximate rate on the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market on March 31, 2021


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