Oxford Technology 2 VCT Plc – NAV Update 

Oxford Technology 2 VCT Plc (“Company”, “OT2”) announces an update to its unaudited Net Asset Value per share (“NAV”) from the most recently published NAV (as at 19 April 2022), based on movements in its AIM quoted investments and an estimate of running costs. No other changes were required to the valuations of the Company’s unquoted investments. 

As at 17 May 2022, the NAV per share has fallen by 6% from 34.4p to 32.3p. 

The share prices of both quoted stocks have fallen - Arecor Therapeutics Plc (“Arecor”) (390p to 370p) and Scancell Holdings Plc (“Scancell”) (16.75p to 12.50p). 

Shareholders are reminded that for every 10p per share change in Arecor’s bid price, the NAV moves by about 0.5p per OT2 share, and for every 1.0p change in Scancell’s bid price, the NAV moves by about 0.2p per OT2 share. 

The total number of ordinary shares in issue is 5,331,889. 

This announcement contains inside information as stipulated under the UK version of the Market Abuse Regulation No 596/2014 which is part of English Law by virtue of the European (Withdrawal) Act 

2018, as amended. Upon the publication of this announcement via a Regulatory Information Service, this information is now considered to be in the public domain. 

17 May 2022 

Enquiries: Lucius Cary Oxford Technology Management 01865 784466