RNS Number : 3517A
Intelligent Ultrasound Group PLC
23 September 2022


Intelligent Ultrasound Group plc

(the "Group" or the "Company" or "Intelligent Ultrasound")


Change of Auditor


Intelligent Ultrasound Group plc (AIM: IUG), the 'classroom to clinic' ultrasound company, specialising in artificial intelligence (AI) software and simulation, announces that, following a competitive and comprehensive tender process, Evelyn Partners Limited ("Evelyn") will be appointed as the Company's auditor for the year ending 31 December 2022. The Company intends to put the appointment of Evelyn as auditor to a vote of shareholders at the Company's next Annual General Meeting.


Following the tender process and the decision to appoint Evelyn, Deloitte LLP has resigned. The Board wishes to take this opportunity to extend appreciation to Deloitte for its services rendered to the Company.


As required by section 519 of the Companies Act 2006, Deloitte has deposited a statement with the Company confirming that there are no circumstances in connection with its resignation as auditor that should be brought to the attention of the Company's shareholders and the reason for their resignation was as a result of the tender process.




Intelligent Ultrasound Group plc


Stuart Gall, CEO

Tel: +44 (0)29 2075 6534

Helen Jones, CFO


Cenkos Securities

Tel:  +44 (0)20 7397 8900

Giles Balleny / Max Gould (Corporate Finance)


Dale Bellis / Julian Morse (Sales) 



Walbrook PR

Tel: +44 (0)20 7933 8780 or intelligentultrasound@walbrookpr.com

Anna Dunphy

Mob: +44 (0)7876 741 001



About Intelligent Ultrasound Group


Intelligent Ultrasound (AIM: IUG) is one of the world's leading 'classroom to clinic' ultrasound companies, specialising in real-time hi-fidelity virtual reality simulation for the ultrasound training market ('classroom') and artificial intelligence-based clinical image analysis software tools for the diagnostic medical ultrasound market ('clinic'). Based in Cardiff in the UK and Atlanta in the US, the Group has two revenue streams:




Real-time hi-fidelity ultrasound education and training through simulation.  Our main products are the ScanTrainer obstetrics and gynaecology training simulator, the HeartWorks echocardiography training simulator, the BodyWorks Eve Point of Care and Emergency Medicine training simulator with Covid-19 module and the new BabyWorks Neonate and Paediatric training simulator. To date over 1,400 simulators have been sold to c. 700 medical institutions around the world.


Clinical AI software


Deep learning-based algorithms to make ultrasound machines smarter and more accessible using our proprietary ScanNav ultrasound image analysis technology. Current products on the market utilising this technology are GE Healthcare's SonoLyst software that is incorporated in their Voluson Expert 22 and SWIFT ultrasound machines; ScanNav Anatomy PNB that simplifies ultrasound-guided needling by providing the user with real-time AI-based anatomy highlighting for a range of medical procedures; and NeedleTrainer that teaches real-time ultrasound-guided needling and incorporates ScanNav Anatomy PNB. 




NOTE: ScanNav Anatomy PNB is CE approved, but not yet available for sale in the US or any other territory requiring government approval for this type of product.


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