Catalyst Media Group PLC 06 September 2005 6 September 2005 Catalyst Media Group plc ("Catalyst" or "the Company") Holding in Company The Company was notified on 2 September 2005 that UBS AG, acting through its business group and legal entities detailed below, has an interest in 54,789,331 ordinary shares of 1p each in Catalyst ("Ordinary Shares"), representing 8.77% of the current issued share capital of the Company, as enlarged by the acquisition of Alternateport Limited which completed on 2 September 2005. The shares are held as follows: Number of Ordinary Shares held UBS AG London Branch 29,164,311 UBS Laing & Cruickshank Limited 1,425,000 GAM London Limited 24,200,000 ------------ Total - UBS AG 54,789,331 ------------ This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange