IG Co Limited 09 September 2005 IG Co Limited 9 September 2005 This announcement is not for release, publication or distribution in or into the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan. RECOMMENDED CASH OFFER FOR MUSIC CHOICE EUROPE PLC ("MCE") BY SMITH & WILLIAMSON CORPORATE FINANCE LIMITED ("SMITH & WILLIAMSON") ON BEHALF OF IG CO LIMITED ("IGC") OFFER DECLARED WHOLLY UNCONDITIONAL On 19 August 2005, IGC announced the terms of a recommended cash offer to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of MCE to be made by Smith & Williamson on behalf of IGC. The Offer was made by Smith & Williamson by means of the Offer Document posted to MCE shareholders on 1 September 2005. IGC announces that by 3.00 pm on 8 September 2005, being 14 days prior to the first closing date of the Offer, valid acceptances had been received in respect of a total of 24,347,802 MCE Shares, representing 73.37 per cent. of the Company's issued ordinary share capital. All of the conditions of the Offer as set out in the Offer Document have now been satisfied or waived and, accordingly, the Offer is declared unconditional in all respects. The Offer will remain open for acceptance until further notice. MCE Shareholders who have not yet accepted the Offer and who wish to do so should complete and return their forms of acceptance as soon as possible. Settlement of the consideration to which any MCE Shareholder is entitled will be effected: (i) in the case of acceptances received (complete in all respects) by 3.00 pm on 8 September 2005, within 14 days of this date; or (ii) in the case of acceptances received (complete in all respects) after 3.00 pm on 8 September 2005 but while the Offer remains open for acceptance, within 14 days of such receipt. Prior to making the Offer, IGC had received irrevocable undertakings to accept the Offer from holders of 24,299,514 MCE Shares in aggregate (representing approximately 73.23 per cent. of the Company's issued ordinary share capital): valid acceptances have been received in respect of all such shares and these acceptances have been included in the total level of acceptances referred to above. Prior to the Offer, 2,385 MCE Shares (representing approximately 0.01 per cent. of the Company's issued ordinary share capital) were held by Smith & Williamson Investment Management Limited on behalf of discretionary fund management clients: valid acceptances have not been received in respect of these shares. Prior to the Offer, 26,304 MCE Shares (representing 0.08 per cent. of the Company's issued ordinary share capital) were held by Margot Daly: valid acceptances have not been received in respect of these shares. Prior to the Offer, 2,700 MCE shares (representing approximately 0.01 per cent. of the Company's issued ordinary share capital) were held by La Ville Trustees Limited: valid acceptances have not been received in respect of these shares. Save as set out herein, neither IGC nor any person acting in concert with IGC held any MCE Shares (or rights over MCE Shares) prior to the announcement of the offer on 19 August 2005 and neither IGC nor any person acting in concert with IGC has acquired or agreed to acquire MCE Shares since that date. Definitions used in the Offer Document dated 1 September 2005 apply also to this announcement unless the context requires otherwise. Enquiries Smith & Williamson, Adviser to IGC Nicola Horton 020 7131 4000 David Jones 020 7131 4000 Smith & Williamson, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for IGC and no one else in connection with the Offer and the matters described herein and will not be responsible to anyone other than IGC for providing the protections afforded to its customers or for giving advice in relation to the Offer or any other matter referred to herein. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange