Director dealings

Trade date Director Volume / Price Trade value Trade type
23/05/2024 Con Conlon 20,750 @ 73.00p £15,147.50 Buy
10/05/2024 Phil Machray 87,813 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
10/05/2024 Phil Machray 75,000 @ 65.00p £48,750.00 Buy
08/05/2024 Phil Machray 93,000 @ 63.00p £58,590.00 Buy
07/05/2024 Phil Machray 32,000 @ 63.00p £20,160.00 Buy
07/05/2024 Mark Smith 23,437 @ 64.00p £14,999.68 Buy
04/10/2023 Phil Machray 16,867 @ 56.00p £9,445.52 Buy
02/10/2023 Phil Machray 1,913 @ 52.00p £994.76 Buy
21/09/2023 Phil Machray 27,766 @ 54.00p £14,993.64 Buy
11/09/2023 David Beck 40,786 @ 49.00p £19,985.14 Buy
04/01/2022 David Beck 31,495 @ 46.00p £14,487.70 Buy
10/12/2021 Phil Machray 75,000 @ 43.00p £32,250.00 Buy
10/12/2021 Phil Machray 25,000 @ 42.40p £10,600.00 Buy
18/11/2021 David Beck 76,237 @ 50.50p £38,499.69 Buy
17/11/2021 Mark Smith 18,491 @ 50.50p £9,337.96 Buy
01/10/2021 Con Conlon 854,732 @ 62.40p £533,352.77 Placing
28/06/2020 Con Conlon 26,141,668 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
16/07/2019 Nitel Patel 153,846 @ 6.50p £9,999.99 Buy
16/07/2019 Simon Presswell 153,846 @ 6.50p £9,999.99 Buy
16/07/2019 Mark Smith 394,895 @ 6.50p £25,668.18 Buy
16/07/2019 Richard Boon 769,230 @ 6.50p £49,999.95 Buy
07/08/2018 Nitel Patel 38,297 @ 11.00p £4,212.67 Buy
07/08/2018 Mark Smith 226,172 @ 11.00p £24,878.92 Buy
07/08/2018 Simon Presswell 118,511 @ 11.00p £13,036.21 Buy
20/02/2017 Cheryl C Jones 150,000 @ 12.75p £19,125.00 Buy
23/11/2016 Nitel Patel 100,000 @ 12.25p £12,250.00 Buy
23/11/2016 Diane Lees 40,800 @ 12.25p £4,998.00 Buy
26/05/2016 Sir William Wells 400,000 @ 11.75p £47,000.00 Buy
31/03/2016 Cheryl C Jones 50,000 @ 13.00p £6,500.00 Buy
30/03/2016 Cheryl C Jones 50,000 @ 11.75p £5,875.00 Buy
29/03/2016 Sir William Wells 217,000 @ 11.40p £24,738.00 Buy
30/09/2015 Cheryl C Jones 240,000 @ 8.00p £19,200.00 Buy
30/09/2015 Sir William Wells 235,000 @ 8.00p £18,800.00 Buy
25/06/2015 Sir William Wells 300,000 @ 8.00p £24,000.00 Buy
19/02/2015 Sir William Wells 375,000 @ 6.70p £25,125.00 Buy
09/02/2015 Martin Beck 222,030 @ 6.75p £14,987.03 Buy
09/02/2015 Martin Beck 230,570 @ 6.50p £14,987.05 Buy
06/01/2015 Cheryl C Jones 2,000,000 @ 7.00p £140,000.00 Buy
17/12/2014 Cheryl C Jones 225,000 @ 6.50p £14,625.00 Buy
30/09/2014 Cheryl C Jones 500,000 @ 6.50p £32,500.00 Buy
09/09/2014 Cheryl C Jones 500,000 @ 5.00p £25,000.00 Buy
23/05/2013 Henrietta Marsh 375,000 @ 4.20p £15,750.00 Buy
19/12/2012 Sir William Wells 500,000 @ 4.75p £23,750.00 Buy
27/07/2012 Sir William Wells 195,000 @ 6.50p £12,675.00 Buy
20/07/2012 Sir William Wells 250,000 @ 4.75p £11,875.00 Buy
31/12/2008 Richard Flaye 100,000 @ 9.50p £9,500.00 Buy
11/11/2008 Gerry Murray 583,784 @ 8.50p £49,621.64 Buy
23/07/2008 Rupert Levy 60,000 @ 11.60p £6,960.00 Buy
23/07/2008 Gerry Murray 100,000 @ 11.60p £11,600.00 Buy
12/03/2008 Gerry Murray 40,000 @ 0.00 0.00 Transfer From
27/07/2007 Richard Flaye 305,243 @ 32.50p £99,203.98 Buy
26/07/2007 Dan O'Brien 30,000 @ 32.50p £9,750.00 Buy
26/07/2007 Gerry Murray 350,000 @ 32.50p £113,750.00 Buy
26/07/2007 John van Kuffeler 300,000 @ 32.00p £96,000.00 Buy
28/03/2007 John van Kuffeler 378,200 @ 49.50p £187,209.00 Buy
28/03/2007 John van Kuffeler 378,200 @ 49.50p £187,209.00 Sell
28/03/2007 John van Kuffeler 280,000 @ 49.50p £138,600.00 Buy
28/03/2007 John van Kuffeler 280,000 @ 49.50p £138,600.00 Sell
19/10/2006 J L Clark 90,000 @ 51.25p £46,125.00 Sell
13/10/2006 Dan O'Brien 420,000 @ 52.00p £218,400.00 Notification of Holding
13/10/2006 Gerry Murray 562,500 @ 52.00p £292,500.00 Exercise of Option
13/10/2006 John van Kuffeler 600,000 @ 52.00p £312,000.00 Exercise of Option
02/05/2006 Kevin Hand 208,851 @ 47.50p £99,204.23 Buy
12/03/2006 Gerry Murray 40,000 @ 50.00p £20,000.00 Buy
03/01/2006 Dan O'Brien 2,500 @ 0.00 0.00 Notification of Holding
18/10/2005 Gerry Murray 94,089 @ 42.50p £39,987.83 Buy
12/10/2005 David Bowen Horne 30,000 @ 42.50p £12,750.00 Buy
15/03/2005 David Bowen Horne 20,000 @ 44.25p £8,850.00 Buy
23/12/2004 John van Kuffeler 899,000 @ 56.50p £507,935.00 Sell
24/11/2004 John van Kuffeler 820,000 @ 56.00p £459,200.00 Buy
24/11/2004 John van Kuffeler 820,000 @ 56.00p £459,200.00 Sell
28/09/2004 David Bowen Horne 17,000 @ 52.25p £8,882.50 Buy
02/06/2004 David Bowen Horne 120,000 @ 50.00p £60,000.00 Placing
04/03/2003 John van Kuffeler 5,000 @ 32.00p £1,600.00 Buy
05/07/2002 John van Kuffeler 50,000 @ 35.00p £17,500.00 Buy
11/11/2002 J L Clark 30,000 @ 33.00p £9,900.00 Buy
08/11/2002 John van Kuffeler 10,000 @ 29.00p £2,900.00 Buy
12/11/2002 John van Kuffeler 3,000 @ 36.00p £1,080.00 Buy

Director shareholdings

Name Holding Percent
Con Conlon 1,601,541 0.00%
Phil Machray 346,546 1.00%
Mark Smith 23,437 0.00%
Diane Lees 1,500 0.00%

Major shareholders

Institution name Holding Percent
Lord Ashcroft 5,339,250 25.36%
Gresham House Asset Management Limited 2,441,625 11.74%
ISIS EP LLP 2,441,625 20.12%
Schroders plc 1,788,476 8.60%
Sasqua Fields Capital Partners I, LLC 1,458,000 7.01%
Estel Investments Limited 1,197,125 22.05%
Artemis Investment Management LLP 962,625 11.77%
Rensburg Sheppards Investment Management Ltd. 216,750 3.99%